Group Personal Ad

This is a personal ad for an already semi-formed group including Celia, Christine, Ella, Theodora, and me.

We are a group of disciplined, hard-working, punctual students, and we're really excited about having fun together doing these projects next quarter. Some of us are highly detail and schedule oriented. We are doing a variety of projects in a few different mediums. We plan to get excited about each others' projects and think about them outside of our four hours of meeting time each week. We are going to commit to doing all the reading before we meet and to be willing to discuss it seriously. We will be open minded about seemingly unrelated topics and excited about finding connections between them (it will be fun!!). We are planning on having fun semi-formal group meetings outside of our scheduled time to watch movies or engage in other cultural productions and discuss them critically, or maybe just eat waffles. What brings us together is our strong work ethic.

Some of the topics our individual projects will be looking at: soap operas, Catholicism, pop music, urban spaces, queer identity, race, gender, Latino studies, performance art, fashion, plastic surgery, etc. (Add your topic here!)

Our products will range from critical writing to creative writing to immensely gay photographic portrait series. If you are working in a medium other than these we would still encourage you to talk to us!



Submitted by Spencer on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 10:30pm. Spencer's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version